Italo Morales

Posts Tagged ‘crowdfunding’

Overnight Generation has reached its funding goal!

Posted on: November 9th, 2012 by italomv

We did it! I am absolutely delighted to announce that last night Overnight Generation has reached its funding goal!

A huge thanks to each of the 123 backers who has pledged so far!  I am so thankful to see the tremendous generosity coming from people I know very well and people I don’t know at all. It’s simply gratifying and exciting!

There are still 18 more hours left in the crowdfunding. I am very pleased where the campaign stands now, but please feel free to pledge if you want to get a signed copy of Overnight Generation book or any of the other rewards.

Lots of love and thank you all!


PS: here I leave you one of the beautiful portraits included in the OG book.

Overnight Generation Crowdfunding hits 50% of target!

Posted on: October 29th, 2012 by italomv

Overnight Generation crowdfunding just hit the amazing mark of $7,562, which is over 50% of the goal. This is a fantastic achievement!.  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the 56 backers who have made possible to reach this amount.   I can’t thank you enough.

But this is not the end of the crowdfunding. There’s a long way to go to get the project funded. Please keep up spreading the word and bringing more interest into Overnight Generation. The publication of the book and the exhibition in Sarajevo is closer than ever to become a reality.

Here the link for those who haven’t seen the project.