Italo Morales

Posts Tagged ‘Self-publihing’

Overnight Generation has reached its funding goal!

Posted on: November 9th, 2012 by italomv

We did it! I am absolutely delighted to announce that last night Overnight Generation has reached its funding goal!

A huge thanks to each of the 123 backers who has pledged so far!  I am so thankful to see the tremendous generosity coming from people I know very well and people I don’t know at all. It’s simply gratifying and exciting!

There are still 18 more hours left in the crowdfunding. I am very pleased where the campaign stands now, but please feel free to pledge if you want to get a signed copy of Overnight Generation book or any of the other rewards.

Lots of love and thank you all!


PS: here I leave you one of the beautiful portraits included in the OG book.